Category: All Student Work

  • Cody Porzelt

    Cody Porzelt

    Theme: Unreliable Narrator; AR302 Printmaking, SEMO; Linocut; 9″x10″; 2019 After creating their black and white editions, students cut their matrices apart and created collaborative color compositions using the resulting components to tell new “stories”.

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  • Lauren Thompson

    Lauren Thompson

    Theme: Psychological Self-Portrait;AR302 Printmaking, SEMO;Reduction Woodcut;16” x 12”;2022 Students created three hand-printed editions that explored how color can affect how a piece is emotionally and/or conceptually perceived. The project began with blind contour sketches. Lauren did a great job using the chatter of a shallow carved block to create blocks of value that fleshed out…

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  • Anna Roungon

    Anna Roungon

    Theme: Psychological Self-Portrait; AR302 Printmaking, SEMO; Reduction Woodcut; 16″x12″; 2019

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  • Nora Schrammel

    Nora Schrammel

    Theme: Putting the C’s in Season; AR302 Printmaking, SEMO; Monotype and pochoir; 16″x12″; 2020 The assignment was to create a suite of prints around the theme using reduction, paint, direct trace, and pochoir techniques in each impression. Every time a new layer of ink was added to an impression, the remaining ink on the matrix…

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  • Katie Bocian

    Katie Bocian

    Theme: Training Wheels; Introduction to Printmaking, BGSU; Photolithograph; 11″x15″; 2013 Students created a photolithograph using a combination of hand-rendered and digitally composed layers. The theme, inspired by the relative ease of photolithography in comparison with the added labor and chemistry of traditional lithography, addresses instances and events where one is given an easier alternative or…

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  • Shawn Lopez

    Shawn Lopez

    Theme: Emergence; Introduction to Printmaking, BGSU; Etching (left to right, top to bottom): line etch, aquatint, softground, chine collé, viscosity roll, á la poupeé; 6’x9′; 2014 Students gained an understanding of a large number of intaglio techniques by transforming a plate from line etch through color impressions over the course of a few weeks. The…

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  • Kara McCoil

    Kara McCoil

    Theme: 4-Color Project, Color Lithography; Beginning Lithography, Murray State University; 22″x15″; 2012 Students were asked to create a four-color lithograph edition using a combination of stone and aluminum plates. They were also encouraged to use a variety of techniques for image generation such as crayon drawing, tusche washes, reduction methods, and digital transfers.

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  • Griffin Hackeloer

    Griffin Hackeloer

    Theme: There’s No “I” in CMYK;AR303 Screenprinting, SEMO;CMYK screenprint from digitally composed elements;15”x11”;2022 This project allows experience with additive & optical color mixing, and digital composing & editing, while upping expectations in terms of registration and precision printing. The project theme relates to how process colors interact as a “team”, while reinforcing the ethos of…

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  • Casey Vandergrift

    Casey Vandergrift

    Theme: Creatures and Structures, Class Portfolio Exchange; Lithograph, screenprint, and spray paint; Beginning Lithography, Murray State University; 15″x11″; 2012

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  • Anita Britt

    Anita Britt

    Theme: In Glorious Color; ARTS 3340 Printmaking: Lithography, BGSU; 4-plate polyester lithography; 15″x11″; 2014 Students created a lithograph edition using at least four layers of any combination of stone, ball-grained plate, photo or polyester lithography. The polyester plates allow students greater portability as well as the ability to draw directly onto the plates with common…

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  • Wendell Stapleton

    Wendell Stapleton

    Theme: There’s No “I” in CMYK; AR303 Screenprinting, SEMO; CMYK screenprint from hand-drawn and digitally composed elements; 15″x11″; 2018 Students were asked to create a digitally composed image created with a combination of photographic and hand-rendered components to gain experience printing delicate halftones. Thematically, the project called for concepts that involved interconnectedness, teamwork, family, or…

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  • Haewon Jang

    Haewon Jang

    Photo emulsion screenprint from hand-drawn positives, 15”x11”, 2022The prompt, an allusion to Frost’s ironic poem, references the key or trap layer that anchored the technical expectations of the project. The results often challenged traditional norms and social barriers.

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  • Heather Meadows

    Heather Meadows

    Theme: Good Fences; AR303 Screenprinting, SEMO; Photo emulsion screenprint from hand-drawn positives; 30″x22″; 2018

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  • Logan Blankenship

    Logan Blankenship

    Theme: A Print to Wake Up To; AR303 Screenprinting; Screenprint and natural dyes (L black bean and beetroot, R black walnut) with bleaching; Approximately 7’x4′; 2018 This project slakes the thirst of most incoming screenprint students to print t-shirts by first making them create a large format repeatable image printed onto bed sheets or other…

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  • Class Collaboration

    Class Collaboration

    Theme: Relaxation Station;AR303 Screenprinting, SEMO; Site-responsive Collaborative Installation screenprint on repurposed fabric;approx. 10’x12’x12’;2022 The “A Print to Wake Up to” project culminated with a blanket fort-like collaborative installation in the Kent Library on SEMO’s main campus. The space allowed visitors to collect themselves before the stresses of finals and the holidays. The project provided the…

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  • Class Project

    Class Project

    Theme: Relaxation Station; AR303 Screenprinting, SEMO; Collaborative installation using screenprinted repurposed fabric; Approximately 10’x15’x8′; 2018

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  • Sarah Buddendeck

    Sarah Buddendeck

    Theme: Some Assembly Required; ARTS 3320 Printmaking: Relief/Monotype, BGSU; Multiple Block Woodcut; 18″x12″; 2013 Students produced a woodcut or linocut edition using at least four distinct blocks, printed in registration. With most projects over the course of the semester, students were asked to create monoprint variations using their matrices as a component. Sarah’s monoprints for…

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  • Class Collaboration

    Class Collaboration

    Theme: Suits Me; ARTS 3320 Printmaking: Relief/Monotype, BGSU; Mixed Media; 2013 This project was designed in conjunction with Arts-X, the BGSU Arts Festival. The theme was “Wonderland”, so students created a large scale face card self portrait of what they wanted to be–as children–when they grew up. The woodcuts were executed in a variety of…

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  • Taylor Wilkes

    Taylor Wilkes

    Theme: Strength in Numbers; ARTS 3330 Printmaking: Etching, BGSU; Collagraph; 22″x15″; 2014 This first project of the Etching semester asked students to explore the possibilities of texture to produce imagery. The simultaneous delicacy and exaggerated tooth of a collagraph matrix also allowed students to edition a plate that required more specific wiping than they likely…

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  • Alex Hall

    Alex Hall

    Theme: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (One plate, three metamorphoses); ARTS 3330 Printmaking: Etching, BGSU; Line etch, aquatint, water bite, precision reduction, stenciling; 12″x9″; 2014 The class produced three editions that relate to each other thematically and/or narratively. All three images were produced from the same plate, transformed via a wide variety of additive and subtractive…

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